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Summary Profile: Level 3 “Pretty FAIR”
Level 3 - Capabilities
(WIP/ input needed)
Level 3 - Business value
Department-level data reuse and insight generation; increased effectiveness and efficiency of data resources available in the organization. Reuse of data reduces procurement costs and the need for data generation.
Are the identifiers for data and metadata persistent?
Does the data and metadata identifier resolution support authentication and authorisation for access?
Does the metadata contain “structured” elements?
Is there a policy for persistence of metadata?
Does the metadata provide a pointer to disclose the owner or license to the data which is readable by machine?
Is a knowledge representation language being used that has ontological machine-resolvable formats?
(WIP input needed): questions that speak to other dimensions
Level 3 - FAIR data
One can find “FAIR” data in local environments such as a company's departments, divisions or functions.
Initial FAIR data sets are in production and proving value. There is a company-wide supported plan to make all (relevant) data FAIR. More data sets are bornFAIR while the company's budget and competencies grow. There is evidence of local reusability and, to some extent, interoperability.
Level 3 - FAIR leadership