Recording: https://pistoiaalliance-org.zoom.us/rec/share/HAVWHW7_RTJW8jWk-acRxqvp3Z0sLNgrk7XUNazYz2I1sCYY78VYBeL_5LfxUmng.2bNwqJbp8nChbndC?startTime=1712930915000 Passcode: K2UD1@Fu
The Hyve team presented a working instance of BioCypher / BioChatter and ran a few queries live. This prototype can only handle queries on a few topics (not a full OT KG inside) and displays answers in tabular or RDF form, not as plain text.
The issue of unreliable Cypher query generation is seen as the biggest problem in the project
VM to inform the sponsors of the above and confirm with them [DONE: sponsors agree]
2024.04.19 Sub-team meeting
Main objective: need to set-up a testing environment to systematically evaluate and improve LLM ability to generate Cypher queries
LLM team members, please remind me of what open-source LLM we picked (in addition to GPT4)
How is Cypher query generation testing done by the BioCypher team?
Propose a set of English questions that we will use (limited by the current OT contents in BioCypher) - Confirm with The Hyve that the questions in our list currently flagged as feasible are indeed such
Do we need to write “ideal” Cypher queries for these questions?
Who will perform the work?
If payments (beyond minimum cloud expenses reimbursement) are needed we must do an RFP/RFQ