Passcode: ZA!z3S5t
RFP was announced two days ago, are there any questions?
Q&A captured in recording
Clarified work scope (asked by Etzard)
Clarified the performance time period: initially, 3 months, but with an option to extend (asked by Etzard)
Clarified position on the expected cost proposal: it does exist, but is not published (asked by Rob)
We agreed to focus on making edits and additions to the list of methods in Techniques to improve LLM performance for structured query generation.docx - updates:
Research: Brian Evarts: see https://github.com/neo4j-labs/text2cypher as an additional possible method
Also, langsmith library for Langchain - Brian Evarts to look up more details
If we could add iterative learning to the process this may also help
NB: Similar ideas are explored by Dataiku: https://content.dataiku.com/dataiku-answers-chatbots
Next meeting will be dedicated to RFP Q&A. We may cancel it in case there are no questions that merit live discussion.