Team: The Hyve; Jordan Ramsdell, Robert Gill, Brian Evans + Open Targets/EBI team: Sebastian Lobentanzer, Ellen McDonagh
Link to the working doc: Techniques to improve LLM performance for structured query generation.docx
2024.04.12 Sub-team meeting
Recording: Passcode: K2UD1@Fu
The Hyve team presented a working instance of BioCypher / BioChatter and ran a few queries live. This prototype can only handle queries on a few topics (not a full OT KG inside) and displays answers in tabular or RDF form, not as plain text:
Slides for the demo: BioCypher & Biochatter Demo.pptx
Questions used in the demo: Demo LLM questions.docx
The issue of unreliable Cypher query generation is seen as the biggest problem in the project
VM to inform the sponsors of the above and confirm with them [DONE: sponsors agree]
A testing environment to systematically evaluate and improve LLM ability to generate Cypher queries requires vendor support, and hiring a vendor requires an RFP. Vladimir informed the team about the upcoming RFP and the process for it
We will need to create "correct" answers to the scientific competency questions that we plan to use in the POC. ZS colleagues volunteered to perform this service. Details will be decided next week in a call between Vladimir and Bruce Press. This is FYI only, no action needed.
Participants observed that not all questions contained in our scientific competency question list can be answered based only on the information in Open Targets. For example, any questions that refer to clinical trials may not have complete answers based on the Open Targets contents alone. These issues will not have an effect on the POC project, however. In the future we may have to ask the project funders whether they would like to invest in data improvements or not.
We will have to brainstorm techniques for improvement of LLM performance in writing Cypher queries. (Or any structured query language).
A registry for proposed techniques that would contain high-level or pseudocode algorithmic descriptions of them: Techniques to improve LLM performance for structured query generation.docx
Peter Dorr shared DOIs to papers that describe other techniques in this field - already captured in the brainstorming document
Peter Dorr agreed to organize a talk by his organization in one of our main team (Wednesday) meetings, where the methods developed by his company can be shared. Exact date TBD
2024.05.10 Sub-team meeting
We agreed to focus on making edits and additions to the list of methods in Techniques to improve LLM performance for structured query generation.docx
Action items:
For all team members: review the list of methods and add new ones, or note errors and omissions in the existing descriptions PLEASE LOOK INTO THIS
VM ask EPAM colleagues about the location of the code that performs the selection of the query template in method #1 - DONE, ALAS, CODE NOT AVAILABLE
VM confirm with Jon Stevens that the pseudo-code in method #3 is accurate - DONE, YES IT IS
Brian Evarts: has connections/colleagues who work on similar technologies, will copy the links
We agreed to skip the call on May 17th (VM will cancel it) and meet again on May 24th
RFP was announced two days ago, are there any questions?
Q&A captured in recording
Clarified work scope (asked by Etzard)
Clarified the performance time period: initially, 3 months, but with an option to extend (asked by Etzard)
Clarified position on the expected cost proposal: it does exist, but is not published (asked by Rob)
We agreed to focus on making edits and additions to the list of methods in Techniques to improve LLM performance for structured query generation.docx - updates:
Research: Brian Evarts: see as an additional possible method
Also, langsmith library for Langchain - Brian Evarts to look up more details
If we could add iterative learning to the process this may also help
NB: Similar ideas are explored by Dataiku:
Next meeting will be dedicated to RFP Q&A. We may cancel it in case there are no questions that merit live discussion.
Last chance for any Q&A about the RFP
Look at the specific business questions that we will use for testing, and the “true” answers for them: 180624_OT_Questions.docx (this work was done by the ZS team - many thanks!)