Time | Item | Who | Output |
17:00 - 19:00 (120 mins) | >Data sharing and standards - experiences with ChEMBL. >Assay table. | >Introduction by Anna Gaulton and Anne Hersey (EMBL-EBI) >Populate assay table: -Agree a set of terms and definitions for the assays (based on the required pre-work) -Agree common purpose for the assay (if applicable) -Identify a set of common and uncommon assays (and any gaps) | >Share knowledge, experiences and tips with team. >Correlate and establish common purpose for the assays identified |
Data sharing and standards - experiences with ChEMBL
View file name ChEMBL_standards.pdf height 250
>ChEMBL: extract pharmacology data from scientific literature into one place to build tools and help drug discovery. Increasingly, data being deposited from various sources. See ‘other data sources’ and examples of SAR data from GSK and AstraZeneca.