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Discussion items

17:00 - 18:00 (60 mins)

>Internal executive sponsor and legal stakeholder proposal.

>Questions for survey/presentation.


Richard, All


>Draft ‘basecase’ and ‘upscale’ scenarios. List of assays in scope.

>List of outstanding questions we need input on.


  If time permits

>EMBL-EBI presentation outline.

Action items



Short term plans overview

>Information presented on the slide is now on the wiki.

>Key messages:

-Ongoing definition, validation and communication between now and end of 3Q2018.

-Focus on presentation at EMBL-EBI workshop 27-28 June.  

-Need to gain further support to achieve participant critical mass before embarking on planning and delivery phase during 4Q2018.

-Aiming for kick-off workshop in 4Q2018, perhaps to coincide with Pistoia Alliance US conference in Boston.

Draft ‘basecase’ scenario

Link to ‘basecase’ scenario table in wiki which can be accessed from the main page:

>Basecase signifies the minimum information required to meet some of our objectives and for the database to be of value (as defined in value proposition) going forward.

>Agreement that the team will populate the table during the next couple of weeks and will include comments or questions to be addressed at upcoming PTMs. None of the information in the table should be confidential at this stage.

>Definitions and common use of terminology needs to be established going forward.

>Need to understand if ‘standard’ TTP criteria at Candidate Nomination is required and available.

>Further comments or questions brought up during the discussion, some of which will need dedicated time to address:

-Molecules: need to get a sense of number of molecules at each stage, especially for endpoint data.

-Molecules: need agreement on whether to focus on molecules which have the full range of assay data i.e. early selection to endpoint, or to include other molecules which have gaps (e.g. due to poor behaviour/not being progressed). If the latter, how do we plan to populate these gaps with data taking variability into consideration.

-Molecules: need further discussion on whether to include data on non-standard mAbs from the start.

-Molecules: in relation to our objective to understand whether we can predict endpoint data from sequence/structure a discussion is required on whether all molecules put forward need an associated structure or e.g. a homology model would be adequate.

-Assays: critical to understand variability and reproducibility between datapoints generated by each assay, especially at each different organisation. Too great variability and reproducibility needs to be captured as a risk.

-Assays: need names of assays and the type of data generated, providing a link to the appropriate publication if possible