Present: Anne, Anna, Boris, Friedrich, Konrad, Vincent, Richard.
ACTION - Anne to share analysis: here
ACTION - Dave/Vincent to provide feedback on analysis by Anne, highlighting the relevant parameters, additional context and why this is important to define 'quality' (December)
ACTION - Dave/Vincent/Boris/Konrad/Anne to meet and define the next steps and iterations required to define and build the Minimum Viable Product - see below.
ACTION - Dave/Vincent/Yves/Terry/Friedrich experts to provide insights into points 1-4 in slides, focusing on which human PK data is used in early discovery, how it is used and relevant sources.
Boris and Richard proposal slides
Key discussion points:
Present: Dave, Boris, Andrew, Yves, Richard.
ACTION - Dave and Boris to upload a couple of further papers which have been identified.
ACTION - Dave to upload proposed 'search terms'.
ACTION - Friedrich to update sources of Biophysical data to cross-reference
ACTION - Andrew to let us know when it would be feasible to have resource to establish a working prototype (PoC) and hence inform the timelines for running the workshop
Update on search term capabilities
>Dave has shared additional publications with high quality PK (likely Tier 1) and a starting set of search terms (need to be added to the wiki space)
>Andrew and Anna are planning data extraction from papers based on the above but this has to be manageable and needs to be resourced by existing funds. In this context some Q's still need to be addressed:
>We need a consensus on what is a meaningful, manageable and affordable pilot study but for this to be useful to as many people as possible, without sacrificing quality and relevance, there should be 2 components: PK data described above and more biophysical data as described in the Jain paper. These should be included in the list on the wiki.
>A first pass pilot study (PoC) needs to successfully identify relevant data based on search terms and will not necessarily give insight info confounding factors, issues etc. which would help the users/searchers of the information.
>Way forward proposal from Boris (see slides below)
>Taking Mepilizumab as example, we can see how this framework can be used to define a PoC: initial pass of literature may yield one value for popPK analysis. As we expand the DB we may have 10 values for popPK, with each value having an estimate of the quality. As DB incorporates more data we can incorporate orthogonal searches taking into consideration e.g. Biophysical data.
>Proposed timelines for pre-work and workshop below may be optimistic and need confirmation by Andrew based on resource availability
'August-September': conduct the preliminary work on: refining Boris' framework and parameters, defining search terms, defining the PoC to achieve during the workshop
'October-November': hold workshop in 2 parts - Part 1 uses pre-work to do the searching and delivers a workable prototype (PoC); Part 2 defines the route(s) forward (future plans) inc. Funding options, publication, further work, etc.
Funding opportunity
>Slide 2 in the below set contains information on the CZI funding opportunity
Present: Dave, Boris, Andrew, Yves, Richard.
Present: Vincent, Dave, Boris, Richard.
Proposed way forward and actions
>Half to one day face-to-face workshop attended by the above focused on defining an unbiased approach to identify relevant PK data publications resulting in a curated set of publications and data. Proposed location is Cambridge area (UK) hosted by GSK or AstraZeneca.
>The aims of the workshop would be to: (i) understand the challenge of extracting such data; (ii) develop a reproducible process to do so which is agnostic of which tool(s) are used; (iii) lay the foundation for a peer-reviewed publication or white paper, and eventually placing the information in a data repository.
>During the workshop we would work with an expert (e.g. from Elsevier) in automated methods for searching and extraction of information from text.
>This proposal keeps the focus on PK within a small group and would be a feasibility assessment for doing the same thing for other important properties of interest to us (immunogenicity, physicochemical, biophysical) based on a similar framework.
ACTION: Richard to identify contact within Pistoia Alliance with relevant expertise in NLP-type search methods who can help us with searching and extracting relevant information from various sources.
ACTION: Boris and Vincent to identify additional publications describing molecules which are considered ‘must have’ outputs from a structured search and place them in the appropriate quality Tier.
ACTION: Boris to share view of current sources of PK data, inc. presentation from PK workshop 2018.
Discussion on proposed outputs
>The proposed output from the workshop is a peer-reviewed publication or white paper containing the following:
>The peer-reviewed publication or white paper would provide an output that is measurable and can be used as a platform to arrive at a valuable database faster by:
>The peer-reviewed publication or white paper will provide value to specialists in the field of PK/PD analysis and prediction but will also be targeted towards non-specialists to ensure that data is not used at face value i.e. PK values are dependent on many parameters and how these are measured.
Discussion on required inputs
>Information requirements to put together peer-reviewed publication or white paper:
Present: Vincent, Terry, Boris, Andrew, Yves, Friedrich, Richard.
Options for an open access "biotherapeutics ChEMBL" resource - Andrew and Friedrich:
>Presentation by Andrew and Friedrich at the next EMBL-EBI Industry Programme meeting on Monday 4th March.
>Purpose of the engagement is to understand and gather support for an open access and free to use ChEMBL containing biologics data. This model is in opposition to a closed consortium owned database.
>Proposal is to build on the existing data in ChEMBL on marketed Ab drugs (mostly) with core information on the biologic i.e. sequence, mass, glycosylation pattern, etc. and add primary assays data in the first instance. User community can shape assay descriptions at a later date.
>Key questions to answer through the engagement include; would such a resource be of value to the wider community? how to create and evolve such a database in the biotherapeutic space? and how to fund? This cannot be done as an add-on to what is already being done for ChEMBL.
>Feedback from group discussion:
Commitment to initiative - All:
>Overall commitment to this initiative with a feeling that we need to start operationalising and committing resources.
>Two main approaches being proposed which are not mutually exclusive:
>To build further momentum, members of this group should encourage other members of the Industry Programme who have expertise in this area to join the initiative.
Further discussion on PK quality Tiers:
<Deferred to next meeting>
Next steps:
>Discuss feedback from Industry Programme community engagement at next meeting. Current thinking is that based on gaining support from Industry Programme community, ChEMBL expansion will be driven through a small group of experts, perhaps through one-to-one conversations, to understand data types and construct a more detailed proposal which can be presented to the wider community. The idea is that this is further driven through an expanded group working in the biotherapeutics space.
>Dedicate next meeting to further developing the PK quality tiers and classification of selected molecules based on these.
ACTION: Andrew and Friedrich to share Industry Programme engagement feedback by email ahead of the next meeting.
ACTION: All to let Richard know if there are other colleagues who will join the next meeting.
ACTION: All to look at proposed publications in each Tier and comment on proposed Tier definitions (
ACTION: Richard to work with all to set up next meeting agenda and slot, aiming for 1.5h.
Present: Dave, Terry, Boris, Yves, Richard.
Data and availability:
>Estimated #molecules with associated data in each Tier: 10-20 (T1), +10-20 (T2), ~100 (T3). Currently ~80 mAbs approved by FDA.
>Data will be limited to actual numbers of molecules in clinic
>Non-public data will be important to elevate a particular molecule from a lower to a higher tier. For some organisations (GSK) all data should be published 18m post-CSR
>Diversity of data (Abs vs particular targets) important
>Comparability of data important, even if only for e.g. T1
>Dave - main drive is to have all clinical PK data in one place and move away from comparing the same parameter across different molecules irrespective of the way this has been measured
>Terry - main drive is to collect enough data to derive meaningful PK predictions; risk is there is not enough public data available so companies must be open to sharing non-public data
>Yves - main drive is to derive biophysical data from suitably classified mAbs (open to sharing this data once generated) and understand potential correlations with clinical PK
>Low numbers of molecules with corresponding PK data in the higher tiers to draw meaningful comparisons between them and correlate to earlier (biophysical) data
ACTION: all to look at proposed publications in each Tier and comment on proposed Tier definitions (
ACTION: all to have a first attempt at classifying specific molecules into each Tier
ACTION: all to add name and further populate wiki table re. Drivers, value proposition and contribution (
ACTION: all to share feedback on AbVance II proposal with Richard by email (
Present: Vincent, Dave, Anna, Terry, Boris, Andrew, Yves, Friedrich, Richard.
Summary: summarised in Biologics DB Collaboration landing page