The Hierarchical Editing Language for Macromolecules was designed to create a single notation that can encode the structure of complex biomolecules including diverse polymers, non-natural monomers and complex attachment points.

HELM was first conceived at Pfizer in the summer of 2008 to support the Pfizer oligonucleotide therapeutic unit and molecules were first registered into the Pfizer corporate database using HELM in December 2008.

How it works

HELM contains multiple levels of information:

The flexibility allows you to define molecules like this which include a oligonucleotide connected to a small molecule (SMCC) connected to a peptide. 


Covers different types of macromolecule

Allows non-natural monomers

Is portable


Adds the ability to define 


The HELM 2.04 specification is available below.

There are minor changes in the 2.04 update. Specifically:

Test set

The team have compiled a set of around 150 structures that illustrate the full range of structures that can be encoded in HELM.This is included as a resource for anyone who wants to implement their own HELM tools rather than use the open source toolkit.

Peptide Monomer Guidelines

We have developed recommendations for creating and naming a monomer set for peptides. 

Nucleotide Monomer Guidelines

More Information

An academic overview of HELM and its origins

HELM 1.0 overview

xHELM overview



 HELM 2.0 quick reference diagram

Notepad++ highlighting definition file

If you create HELM manually it can be helpful to use an editor that will highlight different parts of the string.

HELM Syntax Highlighting2.xml

To use this language definition file go to [Language] -> [Define you language...]. Here you have to click on [Import...] and load the xml file. After closing the dialog, you have to restart Notepad++. Now you  can assign the language to you current open file via [Language] -> [HELM2].