Title: Women in Stem

Date: 2nd August 2021

Who to Contact: projectenquiries@pistoiaalliance.org

Problem Statement

Despite some good work over the years, it has become apparent that there is yet more work to be done and ground to be made up when it comes to equality for women in STEM. Survey results suggest that women's jobs are nearly twice as vulnerable to the pandemic than men's jobs, female academics have been disproportionately affected by lockdown, and nearly half of women asked in a recent survey believe workplace culture is the biggest barrier for women embarking on a STEM career.

Value Proposition 

The Pistoia Alliance is uniquely placed to develop a cross-company, cross-industry mentorship scheme given its large pool of expertise drawn from more than 150 member companies, including the top ten global pharmaceutical organizations. The Alliance also has a proven track record of creating effective mentorship programs with start-ups through The President’s Challenge, which has resulted in finalists raising more than $45 million in funding. Research shows diverse teams are more productive and it’s well documented that helping women progress their careers and build their networks is vital for retaining talent in the life sciences and healthcare industries.

Next Steps

To help define The Pistoia Alliance’s diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives and join the women in STEM mentorship program please get in touch: projectenquiries@pistoiaalliance.org