HELM users have created and will continue to create content that are of use to other HELM adopters. These resources are not under the control of the project, but links to some of the more significant efforts will be posted here to aid the community.



The EBI has generated HELM notation  for just under 19K peptides that were previously associated with Mol files in the database and that contain at least three amino acids. This notation is available in the BIOTHERAPEUTICS table and also shown on the Compound Report Card. for example https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chembl/compound/inspect/CHEMBL1252


As a by product of this process the EBI has generated a list of more than 2 thousand monomers which are available as an XML file at


We recommend that new HELM users taken this library as a starting point for their own in-house monomer library as it contains good practice around peptide fragmentation and naming rules.