Review the business case material
- Add some compelling examples in key areas:
- Pitfalls
- Bread of literature
- Consider impact & value of best practice on community
- Magnify the investment as a funder
- Access to experienced people for a small investment in project
- Speed of delivery
- Time saved and risks of AI errors reduced
- Raise the base level of understanding
- Educational value more broadly
- Neutral party as Pistoia Alliance can recommend things
- Could support requirements definition for tools and platforms with Life Science focus
- Could review platforms and provide feedback
- Magnify the investment as a funder
- Pitfalls - See Mark's great mindmap in this folder
- What shall we take from this to add to business case?
- What could have been the cost/impact of these issues
- Any use cases to add to Business case
- Literature - Jabe and colleagues started a search strategy
- Size of challenge exemplified by numbers of papers. Cannot do this alone
- What could be our search strategy to provide these insights to wider community
Links to Material
Best practices Business Case
Action items - Complete by 19 Jan. Next meeting week of 22 Jan
- Document Areas for AI Community
- Best Practices Group Folder
- Working Document
All to read Business case and document and make changes/additions
Short compilation of pitfalls (and especially if there has been an impact or potential impact to data output or decision making)
- Can we define any metrics
Aim to show the business value a project that would address these issues
- Need good examples of value
- Phasing - what could be done in 6-9 months by end of 2018
- Who else to involve?
- Mark to see how best to use Pitfall examples in the case
- Jabe consider what sunmmary summary from Literature review can make case
- Breadth of challenge highlighted
- How the project can use teams experience (& tools) to find good examples to build on
- What would best pratices practices look like: - Peter H
- How would this best practices look from the customer side?