Blockchain in Life Sciences Community of Interest (CoI)

Blockchain in Life Sciences Community of Interest (CoI)

Welcome to this public wiki page for those interested in all things Blockchain in the Life Sciences

Quarterly Newsletter

Autumn 2019


October 2019 - Pistoia Alliance US Conference, Boston

March 2019 - Blockchain Workshop at the Pistoia Alliance European Conference, London

February 2019 - Pre-Blockchain Workshop CoI meeting (recording)


October 2019 - Implementing Blockchain applications in Healthcare (in preparation)

February 2019 - "Blockchain, IoT and the GxP lab - technology helping compliance?" (recording) (slides)

September 2018 - "So that's what a Blockchain is! - an in-depth introduction" (recording) (slides)

June 2017 - "Is there a role for Blockchain in Healthcare?" (recording)



2019 (Sep) - Gartner press release: "Gartner 2019 Hype Cycle for Blockchain Business shows Blockchain will have a transformational impact across industries in five to 10 years"

2019 (May) - Healthcare Weekly 'report': "The Global 'Blockchain in Healthcare' Report: the 2019 ultimate guide for every executive" 

2019 (Feb) - Publication in 'Blockchain in Healthcare Today': "Top 10 Blockchain predictions for the (near) future of Healthcare"  

2018 (May) - Accenture article: "Digital Health Technology Vision 2018"

2018 (Apr) - Forbes article: "How Blockchain is impacting Healthcare and Life Sciences today"

Use Cases: Informed Consent

2019 (Feb) - Publication from IBM Research: "A Blockchain framework for managing and monitoring data in multi-site Clinical Trials"

2018 (Dec) - Short article describing collaboration between Boehringer Ingelheim and TheLedger: "PharmaChain Proof-of-Concept"

2018 (Mar) - Publication from IBM Research in 'Blockchain in Healthcare Today': "Enforcing Human Subject Regulations using Blockchain and Smart Contracts" DOI: 10.30953/bhty.v1.10

Use Cases: API Supply Chain

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