FAIR training landscape
Date update: 2024-11-08
Copyright: Pistoia Alliance Licence: CC by 4.0
Purpose of this document: Provide an overview of the FAIR training offering known, if possible with emphasis on the life science domain.
Name | Organisation | Contact |
Erik Schultes | Go FAIR Foundation | |
Wouter Franke | The Hyve | |
Chris Day | Perdl Limited | |
Philippe Rocca-Serra | AstraZeneca | |
Nick Juty | Manchester University | |
Despoina Sousoni | Elixir |
Giovanni Nisato | Pistoia Alliance |
To gain an overview of the FAIR training programs relevant that have been developed, we have searched online for FAIR training in life sciences, where we used the following criteria:
The training program should be based on the FAIR principles.
The training program should be more than a document or article alone.
The training program should be current (2022 or later).
Further Pistoia Alliance member organisations, members of the FAIR community of Experts were contacted to review, complement and provide additional information about know FAIR training programs.
Observations on the FAIR training program landscape
The offering FAIR training programs is relatively lmited
Next to FAIR training programs, we can find numerous training programs for technical skills and knowledge often used as good practice in FAIR: semantic web, ontology modeling, data infrastructures, data management skills etc.
Most training are in the context of:
Universities - Only a few FAIR commercial training offerings
Internal to an organization (e.g. pharma)
No formal curriculum in general
Many one-off workshops
Very few repeated and structured training (few e-learning or on-site courses)
Limited examples of certification or organisation that sets the criteria for ‘good’ training.
FAIR training landscape
FAIR Training with certification
The GO FAIR Foundation to provide a form of FAIR data training with certification. It uses nanopublications to “qualify” trainees. It offers two programs:
GFF Fellowship Program: duration 1 year (can be extended), 250 hours of time investment, more interaction time with the trainers, but also more self-organized learning (up to facilitator module for either FAIR Implementation Profiles or Metadata for Machine workshops), part of a Fellowship community and collaborative development activities (€ 2500) See https://osf.io/x43g7
GFF Capacity Building Programme: it provides training modules for implementer, facilitator and trainer level, see price list from €1250 (FAIR Awareness) up to €10’000 (Trainer qualification). See: https://zenodo.org/records/13277614
FAIR Training overall programs
Below is a table with several examples of FAIR workshops and training we found. Please note that some of these training may no longer be offered and costs are only indicative.
Organisation | Short description | Public /private enrolment | Cost estimate | Link to the training |
DANS | Academic, part of Essentials 4 Data Support | public | free | |
Elixir | Focus group around training. Deliverables are more a framework than training. | Internal to elixir i believe at this stage | ‘Restricted’ internal for no | |
TeSS (ELIXIR/University of Manchester) | Searchable catalogue of traning materials, and events,. Ie https://tess.elixir-europe.org/materials?q=FAIR | Public listing | TeSS is free to use, courses listed not necessarily | |
Health-RI | Irregular (once-off) workshops around FAIR 2023 ?? | Private | Free | https://www.health-ri.nl/en/news/health-ri-organises-fair-data-stewardship-basics-course |
Maastricht University | Internal training course | Private | Free | https://library.maastrichtuniversity.nl/news/fair-essentials-course/ |
Utrecht University | Internal training course | Private | Free | https://www.uu.nl/en/research/research-data-management/guides/how-to-make-your-data-fair |
Erasmus University | Internal training course | Private | Free | |
Groningen University | Internal training course |
| https://www.rug.nl/digital-competence-centre/research-data/fair-data-open-science?lang=en |
Blue Cloud | Irregular (once-off) workshops around FAIR |
| |
Fraunhofer | Program around FAIR Includes element of FAIR data maturity from the Elixir FAIR Cookbook |
| ~2500 euro / student | https://www.fit.fraunhofer.de/en/learning-center/fair-data-training.html |
Aalborg University | Academic workshop |
| https://www.researcher.aau.dk/guides/research-data/data-management/fair-training |
FAIR Solutions | E-learning modules for FAIR | Private |
| |
Galaxy Training | E-learning modules for FAIR |
| https://training.galaxyproject.org/training-material/topics/fair/ |
GO FAIR | FAIR training & Fellowship |
| |
Leiden Technical School | FAIR training, micro-certification | Public and private | Dutch higher education fees / ~ 4000 EUR 10 week duration | |
Many | All events registred in ELIXIR TeSS |
| https://tess.elixir-europe.org/events?include_expired=true&q=FAIR |
| Data Management including FAIR. It will be repeated in 2025 | Public | Free |
FAIR training materials
Organisation | Short description | Link |
(N/A) | Materials in Git repositories. There are about 30 courses with the tag 'FAIR training' glittr.org. Some fit the scope of this document better than others. | |
ELIXIR | Entries on ELIXIR TeSS |
For update requests of the references above, please contact: giovanni.nisato@pistoiaalliance.org