Tool requirements and capabilities sheet template

Tool requirements and capabilities sheet template

Prepared by the Pistoia Alliance Ontologies Mapping Project team

Requirement typeMajor aspectSub-aspectDetailSummary of Tool capabilityEvidence examples
Functional1. User Interface1.1. Visualisation of ontological space1.1.1. Numerous view options  
  1.2. Mapping Alignment Editor1.2.1. Improving Alignments  
   1.2.2. Matching correspondence  
   1.2.3. Edit mapping suggestions  
   1.2.4. Tracking of modifications  
   1.2.5. Definition of context  
 2. Framework2.1. Workflow and Evaluation2.1.1. Workflow  
   2.1.2. Evaluation metrics  
  2.2. Ontology Matching algorithms2.2.1. Supports extensibility  
 3. Mappings3.1. Import3.1.1. Import equivalence mappings  
   3.1.2. Import source ontologies or vocabularies  
   3.1.3. Use of external data sources  
  3.2. Export3.2.1. Export equivalence mappings  
   3.2.2. Mapping metadata and documentation  
Non-Functional  1. License restrictions  
   2. Current Availability and Maintenance  
   3. Standalone and web service