2018-08-28 Project Team Meeting - Agenda & Minutes

2018-08-28 Project Team Meeting - Agenda & Minutes




Discussion items

17:00 - 17:30 (30 mins)>Internal stakeholder package>All>Agree framework for internal stakeholder package and responsibilities
17:30 - 18:00 (30 mins)

>Finish populating assay table:

-Gather information for all assays highlighted (based on the required pre-work)

-Go through the table to agree information, check for accuracy and address gaps

-Definitions less important at this stage


>Correlate and establish common and uncommon assays used across organisations

>Agreed level of assay 'comparability' and 'production process' dependency

>Agreement on which data needs to be shared to meet our objectives


Internal stakeholder package

>Working document: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19zifts6XFvwwRYrpjXSXCBwD2KqxVjUjhPxHHvjy6R8

>Working slide set: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1auoB3uzmJQD0yaeAsBmKBzIe4yKBg9efaisdzIzVur0

>Tiered approach to data sharing and model building: need to be more specific re. what is proposed for each tier.

>More clarity required around deliverables e.g datasets, models and clear statement on 'openness' of data shared.

>Outstanding items:

-Complete all gaps in assay table.

-Obtain estimate of numbers of molecules and data available based on defined tiers.

-Cross-referencing objectives vs. completed Assay table to identify any further data sharing needs, e.g. sequence and 3D structure.

-Prepare answers to likely questions e.g. what wet work will be required? (our view on this is covered here: 2018-05-08 Project Team Meeting - Agenda & Minutes)

-Prepare questions to understand internal stakeholder requirements e.g. Once the data is shared, what is your preference for a working model going forward?


-Complete package by Friday 28th September.

-Aim to engage internal stakeholders by early October (meetings should be scheduled during September).

-Aim to have an initial stakeholder view to be shared at Pistoia Alliance US Conference on 10th October in Boston.

Assay table

>Request that team members complete table for missing assays (esp. PK assays) before working on it as a group.